The Secrets of Red Hook

I begin writing this blog with the hopes that you will understand what took place in Red Hook during the dark and depressing months of winter. It was in those dimly lit streets that I found myself wandering, replaying the events that had unfolded before me. 

And so it begins…


I lifted the handle of the brass knocker and just as I was about to knock, the door swung open. Standing in the shadowed doorway was a man by the name of Robert Suydam.

“Who goes there?”

“My name is Detective Thomas F. Malone, may I come inside?”

I could feel the hesitation as he stood there, but after a minute of contemplation, he let me in.

He led me down a narrow hallway where we stopped in a room lit with candles and books lining the walls. I felt as if his eyes watched my every move as I sat down.

“What can I do for you?” Suydam asked, fidgeting with his hands nervously.

“I am asking everyone in the neighborhood if they have any information about the immigrants here in Red Hook.” 

“I was wondering if you knew or have heard of anything that has been going on recently”

“I have no idea what you are talking about, I spend a lot of my time by myself reading in my study.”

Before I even had the opportunity to question him any further, he turned to me and picked up a book that looked as though it hadn’t been touched in ages.

“This book is a collection of knowledge and philosophy. Only the wisest of people like myself can grasp something intriguing yet so complicated. But I suppose that you may be among the rare few that possess this wisdom. Would you like to borrow it?”

I realized the conversation was going nowhere, as Suydam continued rambling about the meaning of existence

“I am so sorry to interrupt but it is getting late and I should start heading home.”

“Of course no worries, next time you come back we can sit down and talk over some tea.”

“Yes of course! Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me.”

As I made my way to the door I heard a rattling sound from downstairs. Confused, I stopped in my tracks.

I continued walking but heard that rattling sound once more. 

Looking around to make sure that Suydam hadn’t followed me, I turned the corner and slowly made my way down the stairs that led to the basement.

As I stepped down the last few steps, I felt my body quiver at the sight of what seemed to be a cellar, very clearly a room that had not been kept clean.

The sound of mice squeaking as they crawled across the dirty floorboards began to get louder as I got closer. I heard the sound of footsteps behind me and whipped my head around. There standing before me was a woman and behind her a tunnel.

I began to ask the first thing that came to mind “Who are you?”, but she rushed back into the tunnel.

 Something felt off I knew I had to follow her, but she looked frightened and I had no idea where that tunnel led.

I knew by the way he dismissed my question something felt off but he had rambled on for so long it made me lose my train of thought. 

I was still unable to wrap my mind around what I had just seen but everything was coming together and even though I wanted to follow him I made my way back up the stairs. 

Still trying to process what I had just seen I quietly made my way to the door hoping that Suydam could not see nor hear me

As the sun set, I found myself wandering the dark streets trying to piece together the events of the evening.

Suydam seemed to have some knowledge about the illegal immigrants in Red Hook and I was beginning to think that maybe that woman was one of them. 


But why was she there? Her expression made it seem as if she were frightened.  I wondered if she was being held there or if there was something more threatening taking place. I was brought back to Suydam’s ramblings from earlier–the way he seemed to talk about the philosophies and mysteries of life–and wondered if it was a way to disguise something much darker. It seemed as if he were genuinely intrigued in that book but I wonder now if it was all a ploy to distract me from the harsh truth.

It was only a matter of time before I found out and I was glad I did. As I finish writing this blog I hope that someone will come forward to the goings on in Red Hook. I am preparing a plan to return to Suydam’s basement. I must find out what lies beyond that tunnel.

 Thomas F. Malone



  1. I suspect foul play. Something is off with that character Mr. Suydam, and he should be closely watched and monitored and placed under surveillance. The woman in the cellar is also very suspicious, especially as she seems to be attracting mice, like the Pied Piper. Are you quite certain the vermin in the cellar were mice, and not perhaps...rats??? The worst thing in the world varies from individual to your case, the worst thing in the world...happens to be RATS!!!

    1. I have to agree, there’s definitely something off about Suydam. There’s just something about him that feels unsettling, like he knows more than he lets on. If I were in charge, I’d make sure someone was keeping a very close watch on him.

      And the woman in the cellar is even more suspicious. The way mice or maybe even rats seem to gather around her isn’t normal. It’s almost like she’s drawing them in on purpose, and I don’t even want to think about what that could mean. If they are rats and not mice, then that’s even worse. I can’t imagine anything more disturbing.

    2. Have you closely considered the nature of your "disturbing" response to rats? Is it possible that there is some ambivalence in your feelings? Perhaps, to paraphrase the Good Doctor of Vienna, your fear is actually a secret wish? Do you perhaps secretly desire to be masticated by rats? And could this be because you secretly identify rats with...YOUR MOTHER!!!???


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